| angel | love | besties | FICTION | iLIKE
My LIFE , dont intefere i am nice if u're nice to me. in love with FICTION :)

Monday 28 October 2013

me NOW

astaga lama ndk update ohh. hahaha.

well sy ada life baru. d uitm kk. hewhew. bru abs sem 1 bh ney. and this friday which is 1 November , result ! huaaaaa. nervous ohhh lol.

i dont know what to say.

Monday 3 June 2013

a part of me is missing

the title of this post doesnt suit the story i'm going to tell lol.

okay first , i'm going to tell about 'him'. yaa the one i called my crush. chee xD recently , he chat with me :) was so damn happy ! he hadn't got his cellphone yet. so it's hard to get in contact with him. miss him damn much ! :( don't know if he misses me or not. huh :/ but what makes me happy again is , he changed his twitter's name to the name that i made for him. a nickname that made for him myself. what does this mean ? chee. but , i am so so happy :)) text me soon :*

another story is. lusa i'm going to uitm kk ! omg. i'm so nervous. plus plus scared. and i'm not ready for the university's life. so afraid TT btw , wish me luck :))

Wednesday 22 May 2013

confused much

omaigad. hm. so i didn't go for matrix. and i REGRETTED IT. REALLY ! it was a waste though. most of my friends are there.

so well i got the upu. diploma accountacy at uitm kk. 3 years ! aduy. and i really want the acca. it's my dream.

sa rasa mcm mau nangis ja lagi. kalau sa kaya kan sa nda pikir pjg pjg baa TT

uitm is ipta. murah cket. cket ja mau byr. but course nya tuw ba. dip ja. lma lg tuw.

kptm plak ipts. mahal gila ! but course dia yg sa plg mau. cat-acca. it's a professional program for accountancy.

sa bpkir juga. bgus sa ambl acca lepas diploma. tp lmaaaa sgt TT

sa masih hdup mnta duit sama parents lg. tuw la sa rasa bsalah. dorg juga tanggung sa mau bljr p mna. dorg smua. sa kesian ba sma dorg. aduy kalau la sa kaya ! duit nda menjadi masalah ba TT

saya perlukan seorang penasihat.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

sambung study !

okay. here's what happened lately. sy mmg rncg maw kena bwa pg KML. tp skrg sy yg 2 hati skrg. eh salah. 3 hati =='' why ? first sy maw upu. and then ada progrm professional tuw at kptm lg. so bgney.


cney banyak kawan. but byk urusan lagi sy maw urus ney. sana sekejap ja. then smbung degree. tp xbole kerja terus. peraturan ketat. x sesuai bg sa. aiseh. konon. haha. trus sa takut orentasi dia TT and cney struggle.


ipts. mahal. but i can get a loan. or if im lucky , biasiswa kerajaan sabah. but that loan can turn into scholarship if i maintain a good cgpa. and sana sa apply professional ! ><' sioknya lau dpt. eis. struggle la.


i applied smua uitm. if i'm lucky , i'll get my first choice. diploma perakaunan. tp lmbat ! 21 mei. eis. trus sa xpyh struggle sgt lau sanaa.

so , which is the best choice ? can please give me opinion ?

Wednesday 1 May 2013

i miss you

today is the first day of May. hey May ! please be nice to me ><' someone made my day today. boboy tweeted yesterday and i asked him where his 'friend' is. you know who. and i said "kirim salam" he said "kirim salam balik bilang :)" and i'm damn happy ! i smiled. it really made my day :D i tweeted with him using boboy's acc but only a while. i really miss you ! :(

i want to see you so badly. it's been 5 months since we haven't met each other. and i still have feelings for you. sorry. i know i can't. yet our feelings are just too complicated i can't even explain to people :/

i think i miss you too much even though you're never mine

Saturday 27 April 2013


4 days ago , i broke up with him. yes. him. nazim clarence. mohd nazim clarence , 315 , sipitang-ian , and one of the guys i met that really fulfill what i want in my dream guy. but not all. something just got in the way.

he rarely texts me , or call me. he's too busy. i'm not used to this. furthermore , i don't know but , it's hard to forget those in my past. i'm scared that either one of us will get hurt. so i let him go. he accept it. he said i'm the perfect one for him. i was really sad that night. i almost cried. but no tears came out. i was determined. and that's the end of me being NC's :'(

i got the matrix offer. labuan. but i want upu ! i'm in a big dilemma right now. whether to go for matrix or wait for upu. stress ! money and documents and everything must be ready for the matrix registration. i have to think about my hair again. they dont want any colored hair there. yea ? so ? damn !

i cried because of that. because i'm too stress to think about this. furthering my study. and i have to think and make a great choice. a right choice* and my BIGGEST PROBLEM now is MONEY 

I'M SO desperate ! TT GOD , help me now please.

aku ada potensi menjadi gila kalau bgney trus ! TT 

macam maw nangis ja lagii. aduy susah nya hidupp. semua DUIT. DUIT DUIT DUIT. mohon mohon larh aku kahwin sama lelaki kaya ka apa ka. stress bgney terus. bukan aku ja kcean. adik2x ku lagi maw belajar. aku lagii paling banyak guna duit. kcean parents ku.


Friday 19 April 2013

Depressed !

aku pun nda taw larh napa. huh. stress jok. first , c nazim x melayan sa. smua dya ckp dya busy sedja. sejak kami gaduh bp dya x percaya sy tuw. sy ckp sy lbih pntgkn kwn dri dya. oke. my fault sbb kac sakit hati dya. tp dya bukan maw settle bagus bagus. sakit hati bila x kena layan. tp bila dya sms , mcm sa bwt nda taw ja. sa rasa sa takut sa tlmpau syg dya. itu la ni. sa tkut sakit hati. sa takut jadi macam dulu. sa takut kecewa. itula sebab sy bgney. ugh ! stress. what should i do ?

lagi satuuu. smua orang dapat tawaran uni yang bagus2x. sy d cney lagi. hanging. xtaw maw bwt apa jok. haha. itula malas sgt memohon. apa juak sa ney ? -,- bwt alasan sedjaaa. itula jadi bgney. sa kena mrah bh ari tuw. sdih nyaa.

Cute White Flying Butterfly